Friday, August 04, 2006

No Running Again

I didn't run again today. Well, I sort of ran. I ran about 100 yards, and then let the pain talk me out of it. The good news is that I'm not injured just really tight and sore. Yesterday, I had to do some work at the house that required a lot of bending and lifting. I wasn't lifting anything heavy, but the constant up and down has taken it's toll on my hamstrings. They've been sore and really tight all day. I thought I could run easy and that they would loosen up. Instead in the few seconds that I ran, it felt like someone was punching me in the back of the legs each time I took a step. I'm still not sure if running would have helped or hurt, but I don't have a lot of experience with injuries and didn't want to take a chance. So today's a non-running day, the second non-running day this month, and it's only the fourth. I'll run easy tomorrow and start the real work on Sunday.

On another note, today is sort of a work holiday and a personal holiday. August 4th is Coast Guard Day, celebrating the establishment of the Coast Guard on August 4, 1790. Actually it's the anniversary of the Revenue Cutter Service, which eventually joined with the lighthouse service and a few other federal agencies to become the Coast Guard. August 4th is also my anniversary. My wife Caryn and I were married on August 4, 1988, making this our 18th anniversary. The good news about not running is that the night is open for celebrating, which for us means a quiet dinner for two. Anyone with kids knows how nice that can be.


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