Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Easy Running

Yesterday and today were both easy days. Yesterday I ran 10.5 miles. Even though I had planned on running at an easy pace, when I started my legs felt surprisingly fresh. I felt like I was running at a decent pace, however, the first couple of miles were going by close to 20 seconds slower than I would have guessed. The pace picked up a bit as I turned and got the wind at my back, but I gave any advantage back when running home into the wind.

Today, I ran seven miles at lunch and five and a half miles after work. On both of these runs, I didn't have much energy and took awhile to get loose. I ran the first one easy with an average pace of 8:10. This is slower than I usually run on my easy days, but the slow start and running in the heat of the day were the difference. For today's second run, I kept it at a recovery pace. The average for this run was 8:20 miles. I wore a watch, but didn't check it during the run. My main focus was on just running slow.

Hopefully, breaking the runs up and going easy during both runs will have me relatively fresh tomorrow. I hope to round out my week with 10 tomorrow, 15 on Friday and 7.5 on Saturday, which will get me to the 80 mile mark. Our Captain is retiring on Friday, so tomorrow and Friday will be mad-crazy at work, but I don't think I'll have to stay late much (if any), so it shouldn't affect my workouts.


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