Friday, July 21, 2006

Good Week

I haven't followed the mileage I had planned for Thursday and Friday, but I had two pretty good days. On Wednesday I felt good. I ran 11 miles at a 7:52 average pace. On Friday, I had hoped to run 15 miles, but I ended up only running 9. At work we had a retirement ceremony for our captain, and I spent the first couple of hours of the day moving and setting up tables and chairs. After that I spent a bit over an hour standing in the hot sun while wearing a dark blue full dress uniform. When the ceremony was over, I got to grab a bite to eat, change clothes and then put the tables and chairs back. By this time I was tired and sweaty. I came home, took an ibuprofen for some back soreness, iced my back, took a short nap and started pounding down water. I felt okay this afternoon, but was still a bit tired, so I cut the run from 15 to 9. The plan now is to run a double tomorrow to reach 80 for the week, and then go at least 15 on Sunday.

One thing I finally accomplished this week was to put together a training program for a half marathon at the end of October. My goal is sub-1:25:00. The plan is pretty ambitious with a lot of mile repeats and race pace runs building up to 8 miles. It also includes a few 20-mile runs. It may be a stretch for me reach my goal paces for these workouts, but I do better with something to shoot for. Even if I'm a bit behind the goal pace, I'll still be better off for making the effort and can adjust the plan accordingly if necessary.

I've decided to put in an application for the Navy Marathon Team. It will be a long-shot for me to make the team, but it can't hurt to ask. If I'm selected, I'll get a free trip to run the Marine Corps Marathon. Looking at the past participants, the talent seems to be mostly faster than me, but there are a few runners who are a slower. I'd feel more confident if I had run more races lately. I guess if the fast guys get orders to sea, I'm in. If I do get selected, having the 20 milers and weekly mileage between 60 and 80 will put me in a good position to move up to the marathon.


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