Monday, May 01, 2006

Note to Self: Get Enough Sleep

Today I ran ten miles at a 7:56 average pace. It was a good run. After yesterday's 15 miles I wasn’t sure how my back would feel today. I’m happy to say that it continues to improve. I can still feel a bit of tightness; but it’s not too bad, and as long as I take my time loosening up before I do anything strenuous, I’m fine. The scary part is that I think I have another volleyball game tomorrow. I’m confident that if I take the time to warm up properly, I’ll be fine for the game. However, if I end up with more back pain, I’m afraid that my volleyball season is over, which isn’t a big deal because I’m not very good and am on a team that is not very good.

I’m not sure what I’ll be running tomorrow. It depends on when and if we play volleyball tomorrow. If I have time I’ll run a few miles either before or after our volleyball game (depending on if we have the early or late game). If we don’t have a volleyball game, I’ll run five or six miles at lunch. Either way, I’ll try to add some miles in the evening and should be between 7.5 and 12 miles.

The reason for this title is that I was up late Sunday night because I agreed to pick up a work buddy from the airport at 11:00 p.m. By the time I dropped him off, got back home and got to bed, it was after midnight. I don't feel too bad now, and one late night is not a big deal. The problem is that I tend to make a hobby out of it.


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