Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Give Blood. Save a Life (or two).

I gave blood yesterday morning. I give regularly here at work. It usually doesn’t effect my running too much. At most it slows me down a bit for a week or so, but I’m still able to run the same number of miles. I’m not sure how much of the statements about giving blood, saving lives, and how there is always a shortage of blood is fact and how much is hyperbole, but I know that it’s important that people donate, and it’s hard for me to justify not giving and not helping people just so I can run ten seconds a mile faster in training.

Last night I ran five miles at an easy pace. I’m planning on running ten miles tonight, with the goal of hitting at least 70 for the week. If all goes well, I’ll be in the upper 70s or 80 miles next week. We’ll see.


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