Friday, April 14, 2006

Running Everyday

I’ve continued to run everyday this week. I’ve run 15, 8, 5 15, and 10 miles, for a total of 53 miles so far. However, as soon as I get off work today, I’m hitting the road south to San Diego, making today will be my first non-running day since March 17. I considered running early this morning, but I’ll be driving until well after 10:00 p.m. tonight, so I figured a good night’s sleep last night would be wise.

I’ve been thinking about when we choose to take a day off. Even though my legs have felt pretty tired this week, I wouldn’t be taking a day off if circumstances (a long drive) weren’t pushing me in that direction. From other blogs that I read, I see the same thing from other runners. Those who run everyday seem to take a day off because of a fluke in their schedules (illness in the family, spouse has a late meeting, etc.) and rarely because of fatigue. At first I was thinking that this type of scheduling probably isn’t that smart because the body needs rest to improve, etc., etc. However, after a little more thought, I’m starting to find this encouraging. I believe that what is actually happening is that running everyday is forcing me to pay more attention to my body. I’m learning how to actually make my easy days truly easy and to recover without resting totally. Running everyday will make me a better runner not only because I’ll run more miles, but because it is helping me to become a smarter runner and is forcing me to become more in sync with my body.

P.S. I find it odd that the spell check on here doesn't recognize the word "blogs"


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