Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back After A Short Time Off

I hurt my back playing Volleyball on Wednesday. It wasn't too bad at the time, and I was able to run that afternoon. The following day, however, it hurt to move. I went to work on Thursday and Friday, but that's basically all I did. The rest of the time I was taking it easy and rotating heat and ice on my back. On Saturday I felt a bit better, but still had some pain with any abrupt movement, so I decided not to run that day.

Sunday was a much better day. I still have some stiffness, especially if I stay in one spot for too long, but I was able to run without pain. In fact the first run went so well that I ran a second time. The first run was a 10 miler that I started around noon, and the second was five miles this evening. I ran at an easy pace for both runs (7:49 average pace for the first run, and I left my watch at home for the second run.) Assuming I don't suffer any setbacks, I'm aiming for a minimum of 70 miles this week, although I'd like to be closer to 80.


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