Monday, April 10, 2006

A Strong 15 Miles

On Sunday, I ran fifteen miles, which is just a bit over twice around the peninsula on which I live. Even though it rained lightly most of the time I was out, and there was a moderate wind, I had a really good run. I had a lot of energy, and definitely felt like I could have continued to run farther. I probably should have, but I had set out to run 15, so that’s what I did. I guess the point is that after a 70-mile week last week and a strong 15 miler yesterday, I know that I’m now fully recovered from any possible lingering marathon effects. After a couple of more weeks in the 60-70 range, I’ll work on throwing in a few faster miles throughout the month of May. I won’t specifically schedule any fast runs, but will add a few miles whenever I’m feeling good.

I’m out of town next weekend, so I’m not sure how much running I’ll do while visiting family, but when I get back, I’ll definitely take my long run back above 15 miles and build back to 20. I want to get in a couple of 20 milers before starting a marathon training plan, but that won’t happen until June, so I have upwards of six weeks to just build miles.

The bad news is that my daughter is sick and is home from school. I’m not sure what is wrong with her. Basically, she has body aches, fever, and no energy. Fortunately, there’s no diarrhea or vomiting associated with it. Hopefully, she’ll be better soon, and my wife and I will escape without catching whatever she has.


Blogger Chad said...

Nice job. Sounds like you have a good plan. If possible, make this another solid week and then just make the week you're out of town a cut-back week.

I hope your daughter is feeling better. There's nothing worse than seeing your kids sick.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

Thanks for the kind words. I considered using the keep it simple method for training, which for me is basically run long on Sunday, run fast repeats on Tuesday, run a tempo run on Thursday, run easy on the other days, and cutback every fourth week or so. However, I think I’ll end up following the Pfitzinger 18/70 plan again. I was happy with it last time, so why mess with success.

My daughter isn’t 100%, but she’s certainly improved today. The funny thing is that she’s 15, which means she’s usually surly. However, when she’s sick, she’s so nice to everybody. Not that I want her to be sick, but at least there’s a small silver lining. I feel like the worse parent in the world.

9:52 AM  

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