Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Lesson that Wasn't Learned

A couple of days ago, I wrote how missing a run on Sunday made me feel like I was playing catch up or chasing numbers for the rest of the week and that I needed to run at least 15 miles on Sunday in order to feel like I'm set up to reach my weekly mileage goal. Of course, the same Sunday on which I wrote that, I didn't run. I could make excuses about how it was Father's Day, and I ate enough to feed a small village and felt like I would puke if tried to run. But really I knew it was Father's Day and that we were going out for a late lunch. I easily could have run in the morning; but I was lazy, and I paid for it later.

One lesson that I'm finally learning is to pay attention to my pace on easy and recovery days. Twice in the past week, I've run slow on ten mile runs, and both times, I've had great runs the next day. Remembering this lesson is especially helpful while I'm trying to stay at a higher mileage level.

One non-running thing that I've noticed. Since I've been an adult, I've lived in Cheboygan, Michigan, San Diego, California, Alameda, California, Topeka, Kansas, Phoenix, Arizona, San Diego, California, Houma, Louisiana, and Alameda, California. As best as I can remember, in all of these places there are cars with bumper stickers for something called the "Mystery Spot." I've driven past these places on highways in wooded areas but have never even considered stopping. There's no real point I'm trying to make here. It just seems odd to me that not only do a lot of drivers stop to see the "Mystery Spot," but a lot of people feel the need to advertise this fact with a bumper sticker.


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