Friday, June 09, 2006

Running, Running, Running and More Running

There’s really not much to say running-wise. I’m been out everyday this week running easy miles. I’m at 55 miles for the week right now. The plan is to run 15 today and 10 on Saturday to get me up to the 80 mile mark. I’m at the point where a run of 10 miles or less is a pretty easy day. However, I do need to watch my pace. If I press the pace one day, I need to be careful to keep it easy the following day, or I will definitely suffer on the third day.

I found out that there a local club hosts low-key 5K and 10K races on the last weekend of every month. The cost for non-members is only $4, so I think I’ll try to jump into a couple of the 10Ks and see if I can finally get my PR under 40 minutes. Who knows, if I’m successful, maybe I’ll work on going sub-19 in the 5K.

A funny thing happened during my run yesterday. I was approximately five miles into the run when I stopped to use the restroom in a bayside park. While I was sitting their doing my business, a city worker came by and locked the restroom. I heard someone walk up to the restroom, but I thought it was one of many fishermen in the area. It never occurred to me that someone would lock the restroom without checking to see whether or not someone was in it. Anyway, when I finished my business, I couldn’t leave. The metal gate across the door is locked, and there’s chainlink fencing over the top of the restroom that isn’t covered by the roof. I could see out through the gate but didn’t see anyone who could help me. Fortunately, there was about a 15 inch wide gap between the chainlink and the gate. With a bit of effort I was able to pull myself up and squirm through the gap and onto the chainlink. From there I sort of wiggled my body around so that I could drop feet first outside the fence. I looked around and apparently no one saw me, so I continued my run dignity intact.


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