Monday, October 03, 2005

More Dedication

I need to force myself to stay dedicated to my running. I did not have a good weekend as far as running goes. Part of the reason is that I had to deal with some family stuff that took up some of my running time, but most of the reason is that I'm just not dedicated or as disciplined as I need to be. On both Saturday and Sunday I started my runs much later than I wanted to because of sporting events that were on television. On Saturday I let the Red Sox-Yankee game and ASU-USC game delay me. On Sunday, it was the Chargers-Patriots game. On Saturday it didn't really hurt me because I was still able to get in my schedule run. However, I planned on running 20 miles on Sunday, but my late start only allowed me to run 10. I must get more disciplined if I want to improve.

Today, I only ran six miles at lunch. Usually when I run at lunch I try to also get in an easy run in the evening. Today, I had other obligations which made a second run impossible. To compensate, I ran harder than normal at lunch, including two miles at goal marathon pace.

My race is 18 weeks away. I need to develop a training schedule this week and start it next week.


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