Thursday, September 29, 2005

Double Today

I took today (Thursday) off from work. The plan was for Caryn (my wife) and I to leave at 10:00 and go into San Francisco to watch an event. They put a bunch of man-made snow on one of San Francisco's famous hills and there was a ski and snowboard jump competition. It was pretty cool to see, but it was too hot and too crowded to stick around for the entire event. We ended up leaving after about twenty minutes and went out for lunch at a small Italian restaurant. The food was great.

Anyway, since we weren't leaving until 10:00, I figured I could get up at my regular time and get in a long run of 15 miles before we left. However, I'm am just not a morning person, and I ended up leaving for my run at 8:00, instead of 7:00. As a result, I ran ten miles this morning and then ran an additional six miles this evening to make up for slacking in the morning. Actually, I've been running without a plan right now and am just trying to log a bunch of miles. I'm going week-by-week, and really only planned on running ten miles today, so I didn't slack off as much as it seems like.

One other comment that relates to another post from a couple of weeks ago. I was able to stick to a recovery pace during my six mile run this evening. I've been pleased with my pacing lately. Hopefully, I can maintain it over the long haul.


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10:28 PM  

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