Sunday, September 18, 2005

First Long Run in a Few Weeks

Today I ran my first twenty mile run in four weeks. I had three weeks in between long runs in my schedule because the marathon I wanted to run filled up and my next option was a week later. I wanted three weeks between my last long run and my marathon, so I scheduled an extra week in between two other long runs to fill the gap. Anyway, I ended up taking last week off from running, so I missed last week's long run. That's how I got four weeks between the last two long runs.

Even though I don't plan on running a marathon until February, I'm going to still try to get in a twenty mile run every two or three weeks. The long runs now will definitely help me on marathon day. Plus, I plan to run a marathon in February and in March. I'll get only one long run (at the most) completed in between the two races, so I'm hoping that running a lot of twenty mile runs now will help me stay strong for the second race.

I did a good job of preparing for today's long run. I got enough sleep last night, ate a good amount of carbs and drank a lot of fluids both yesterday and this morning. As a result the long run went off well, and I finished strong. I did, however, have to stop three times to use the bathroom. It was worth the trade off to finish without feeling like I'm dying. Let's hope I can learn to follow this plan for future long runs.


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