Friday, December 01, 2006

Non-Running Update

This will be just a quick entry to publicize my laziness and give myself some accountability for my efforts while I’m not running. Actually I’m doing okay. There are basically three areas where I need to concentrate my efforts: continuing my sit up and push up routine, eating right, and getting some type of exercise to somewhat replace running.

With regards to the push ups and sit ups, I’ve basically stopped doing them. I’m not sure why I stopped. I guess it was just the break in my routine. When I started these exercises, I would go for a run, do my push ups and sit ups when I got home, and then shower. When I stopped running the other exercises stopped also. Hopefully all I need to do is establish a new routine. For now the plan will be to do them as soon as I get home from work. That way I won’t get involved in anything else and get distracted.

I have been doing well (not great) with regards to my eating habits. Of course the Thanksgiving holiday was one long foodfest, but that was to be somewhat expected. Other than over the holiday, I’ve cut down on desserts and candy and have been making better food choices. I’ve also been eating smaller portions at breakfast and lunch. However, I now need to cut down on snacks before supper, and I need to eat smaller portions for supper.

I have been getting some exercise. For the last couple of days I’ve walked at least a couple of miles each day. Over the weekend, I’ll bike ride some to change things up a bit. It’s not much when compared to a 10-mile run, but at least it’s some activity. I’m not really worried about losing fitness. I’ve accepted that there will be some loss in this area and that I’ll just have to build it back up whenever I’m running pain free. I’ve noticed that when I’m walking my knee feels great. A couple of times I felt like I should just start running. It’s hard for me to grasp why I can walk, sit, squat, and have a full range of motion without any pain, but I cannot run more than a couple of miles without hurting.

Right now patience and effort in non-running areas of my life remain the key. More to follow after I see the doctor next week.


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