Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No Good News

After a few days of no running, I tried a slow, easy run last night. I was hoping that I could run at an easy pace and that I’d be able to participate in today’s Turkey Trot at work. I wasn’t going to run the Turkey Trot hard, but wanted to at least run it. Not that it matters; the awards are based on closest guess to finish time, not by who’s the fastest.

Last night’s plan was for five miles at recovery pace, which ended up being approximately 8:40/mile. The first few miles were okay, but I started feeling pain after three miles or so. The pain got worse as I continued to run, so I stopped after another half mile. I ended walking home. I don’t really know what’s wrong. My knee was sore as I was walking home, but within a few minutes of getting home, I felt fine. I was able to walk around the house, including going up and down the stairs without any pain. I’m fine walking around work today. However, my knee is tender to the touch, almost as if it’s bruised.

I’m not sure what to do as far as treatment goes. I’ve been using the heating pad because that made it feel better. I iced it once, which actually caused my knee to hurt. Even so, I think I’m going to try rest, and alternating ice and heat. In addition to the ice and heat, my plan is to do no running. I’m going to try to walk for exercise and see if I can do that painfree. If I can walk a couple of miles a day without pain, I’ll try another run on Sunday and hope for the best.


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