Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Getting Worse

After a week of no running, my knee felt pretty good yesterday, so I headed out for a short, slow run. My legs were a little sore early in the run, but I’m sure that was from moving after a week of not much activity. When I was a mile and half or so into the run, I was feeling pretty good and thought for sure that my knee was back to normal. However, after three miles or so, the pain started. I continued to run easy for another half mile or so just to be sure, but then I had to shut it down and walk home.

Last week by the time I had walked home the pain had lessened. Yesterday itcontinued throughout the evening. Although it’s not too bad, today I can still feel the pain. Anyway, I bit the bullet and made an appointment with the doctor. I go in on 4 December. I’d like to say that at that time I’ll know more, but I suspect that all I leave with is a referral to a specialist.

In the meantime, I’ll just try to watch my weight, continue doing sit-ups and push-ups, and get whatever other exercise I can (walking or bike riding depending on my knee).


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