Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mile Repeats

Last night was a tough run. The plan was for ten miles, including three, one mile repeats at 6:10 pace, with a three minutes of easy jogging in between As usual it was great kite-flying weather, but not so great for running. Well, it was great for running once I turned away from the wind.

Anyway, to try and keep the repeats fair, I started after a 2.5 mile warm up, starting my first repeat into the wind for the first 2/3 or a mile or so and then turning so that the wind would be at my back. Obviously, I was working way too hard early in this repeat and still I was only at 6:30 pace when I made the turn. The pace began to drop as soon as I rounded the point. I pushed hard towards the end of this mile in an attempt to lower the pace to 6:10. I finished the mile in 6:11. Whatever, the 6:10 effort was more than there. The next repeat was with the wind at my back. Since I was running with the wind I decided to push to a 6:00 mile, ending at 5:57. The third repeat was the fairest of the three. It was an out and back with the turnaround at .52 miles (according to Garmin), and the wind was mostly blocked by buildings. I pushed a bit hard early in this repeat and then just tried to keep a good rhythm on the last half when what wind there was at my back. I finished this last repeat at 5:59. So overall I more than met my goal.

I’m pleased with my effort, although I need to be more consistent and get into a smoother rhythm earlier in the repeat. I seem to be pushing hard and worrying more about pace then form or effort. In the future, I need to just concentrate on running, not check the pace until I’m at least halfway through the repeat, make any necessary adjustment, and then not check the pace again until the mile is over. Today is a recovery day and then a ten miler with four miles at tempo (6:30) pace on Thursday.


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