Thursday, August 31, 2006

August Stats

Here are the numbers:
277 miles
26 Running Days/5 Days off
4 Doubles

Ran a 10K PR (39:40) on August 27, finally breaking the 40 minute mark.


Yesterday (Wednesday) I ran a 15 miler, and today was a scheduled easy 7.5 miles before another 15 miles on Friday. I decided to add a few easy miles at lunch, running just over five miles. I ran at a recovery effort, not trying to accomplish anything other than logging a few more miles. This afternoon when I started the 7.5 miles, I felt pretty good. However by the time I got approximately two and a half to 3 miles into the run, I was beat. I was hot and was sweating a lot. I realized that I did not drink near enough fluids after my lunchtime run and that I was going to start paying for it. If I were closer to home, I may have cut the run short. Instead I stopped for a pretty good sized drink from the water fountain and continued. I knew that I only had a mile and a half or so with the wind at my back before I would turn and be running mostly in the shade. I just took it easy and kept going. Actually after another mile or so, I started to feel better and finished the run without issue. I have, however, been pounding water since I got home. I took tomorrow off from work, so I’ll try to run before things get warm.


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