Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tough Workout

When I switched my long run from Sunday to Monday, I was planning on switching Tuesday's and Wednesday's workouts and go easy on Tuesday and harder on Wednesday and then finish up my easy week as scheduled. That would give me an easy day after a 20-mile day. However, after my last post, I decided to run Tuesday's harder workout as scheduled. The workout was 8 miles, including six miles at 6:50 pace (marathon pace). My legs were pretty sore and tired all day, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to maintain the pace on the faster miles.

Fortunately where I run someone has painted a mark every quarter mile, so I was able to track my pace as I felt the need, although for the most part I just checked every mile. I'm pleased to say that I finished the six faster miles more than 30 seconds ahead of goal pace, maintaining the pace into the wind and gaining time with the wind at my back. I felt relaxed and comfortable for each of these miles. This is an encouraging workout.

Other than four miles at half marathon pace (6:29) on Friday, the rest of my week is all easy miles. I'll finish up in the 50-mile range. Not good or bad for a cutback week.


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