Saturday, April 01, 2006

March Summary

March was the second month in a row where my total mileage went down. Of course that's to be expected, when January was my highest month ever, half of February was part of my taper, and I took nine days off in March, including six straight days after my marathon while my legs rested and the blisters on my feet healed. Overall, I'm pleased with my running in March. Here are some stats:

187.9 total miles
22 running days (including 3 doubles)
9 days off
3:06:39 at the Napa Valley Marathon (24 minute PR)
No off days since 18 March.

Including 1 April (my running week is Sunday to Saturday), I ran 64 miles this week. I ran 8 miles on Friday and 5 miles on Saturday. All of my running is at an easy pace. I plan on staying in the 60-mile range for the next two weeks. I'll probably have a mileage dip around Easter because we're traveling to San Diego for a long weekend. I'll have no problems running while we're there, but I imagine that the day we drive down and the day we drive back to the Bay Area will be off days or at least reduced mileage days. After Easter, I hope to climb into the 70-mile range for a bit. I have no races planned, although I see a lot of low-key races being advertised. I'll try to jump into a few of these just for some fun every once in awhile. However, my goal race is still a fall marathon.

One last thing. This is the beginning of daylight savings time, which is cause for celebration for afternoon runners like me. For any morning runners who may read this, I'm sorry for your loss.


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