Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'm an Idiot

If you read this yesterday, you suspected it. However, today it has been proven. I am an idot. If you didn't read this yesterday, here's the short version. I missed Friday's run, so I ran a double on Saturday -- 19 total miles. Today I ran my regularly scheduled long run of 21 miles. Somewhere around the 12 mile mark, my hamstring started to feel sore. By the end of the run, it was hurting pretty good. So I'm not only an idiot for running twice the day before a long run, but I compounded it by finishing today's long run despite my leg pleading with me to stop.

It feels like I have a muscle pull; however, there was never a point where I felt a sudden pain like I would if I had pulled it. It started out as a tightness and just kept getting worse. Anyway, I'm icing it now, and tomorrow's a rest day. I'll continue to ice it and see how things turn out.

The good news is that my ankle feels fine.


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