Friday, November 04, 2005

Stupid is as Stupid Does

After running long on Monday, which is my normal off day, I was scheduled to run nine miles on Tuesday, with four of those miles at a tempo pace (see the previous post if you want more information on how my schedule got off kilter). I figured my legs would be tired on Tuesday, and I'd end up running at marathon pace at best. However, I didn't feel too bad , so I did the scheduled workout, including the tempo miles. It was tough, but I made it through on pace (6:40 m/m for the tempo miles).

The bad news is that on Wednesday, I ended up skipping my scheduled 14-mile run. My legs were sore, so I listened to my body for once. On Thursday, my legs still didn't feel too good, but they were more tired then sore, so I ran my 14 miler. It was tough, but I got the miles in. I was totally out of energy at the end of Thursday's run and was dreading Friday's 12 miler.

The good news is that after a mile or two warmup, I felt pretty good on Friday. I ran the entire run at an easy pace. My schedule calls for me to run the last five miles of my long and medium-long runs at 7:42 m/m pace (10% over goal marathon pace), which is between 18-28 seconds slower then I run the first part of these runs. On Thursday and Friday, I did not have the energy to speed up. After today's run, I only have an easy recovery run tomorrow. Based on how I felt today, I'm confident that if I have the discipline to run at a recovery pace, I'll feel rested for Sunday's long run. Another positive for me is that I did get a lot of sleep this week, which I'm sure helped my recovery process between these fairly tough runs.

The reason that I titled this post Stupid is as Stupid Does is so that when I go back and review my training, I want this entry to be a reminder that I have a schedule for a reason. And if I miss a run, I need to learn not to cram and try to make up the miles. It's more important to trust the schedule over the long haul and not stress over one workout. I will end up getting in my scheduled miles this week, but I certainly could have been more productive if I had concentrated on key workouts and not just chased the miles.

One last thing. I can't wait until this Halloween candy is gone. Chocolate has become my primary food group since Monday. Speaking of candy, vanilla Charleston Chews are delicious!


Blogger Laura said...

have you ever tried strawberry or chocolate? heaven.

gl with running :)

11:49 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

by strawberry or chocolate I meant charleston chews, of course. hehe.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

I've eaten a lot of the chocolate Charleston Chews. They're great. However, I was surprised to find that I like the vanilla ones even more. I think Charleston Chews is the only product where I prefer vanilla to chocolate.

11:56 PM  

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