Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Rap Up

Christmas was good for our family. My in-laws came for a visit, and we had fun. My wife and I don't usually buy a lot of presents for our daughter; however, as my in-laws' only grandchild, she gets spoiled rotten each year. Personally, I did not receive any running-related gifts. I did receive a very generous Target gift card, so I guess it’s not too late to get some running stuff. Instead, however, I’m going to buy a bicycle, a helmet, and whatever else I need so that I can start biking to work. It’s only five miles each way, so biking makes a lot of sense.

My running continues to go well. I’m up to 7.5 miles each day. So far my schedule has been to run three days and then take a day off. I’m going to extend that to six running days and one off day for a few weeks and then eventually extend it to one day off every ten days or so. I did have one shot of knee pain this week. I woke up Tuesday morning around 4:30 with pain in my left knee. I had planned on running Tuesday, but the pain convinced me to take it easy. It worked out well for me because Tuesday was a cold, wet, windy day. Running would not have been fun.


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