Sunday, October 01, 2006

Weekly / Monthly Recap

September 24 - 30 Weekly Recap

Sunday - 15 miles, including 10 miles at marathon goal pace (6:50)
Monday - 5.5 miles, easy
Tuesday - 10 miles, including 6 x 1 miles repeats at 6:10 pace
Wednesday - 8 miles, recovery effort
Thursday - 10 miles, including seven miles at half marathon goal pace (6:29)
Friday - 8 miles, at recovery pace
Saturday - 10 easy miles
TOTAL: 66.5 miles

I followed my schedule with one small change. I switched Friday and Saturday's runs. I was beat on Friday, so I cut that run a bit short. I did run all my harder workouts as scheduled and hit my goal pace for each run.

September Monthly Recap

269.3 miles, which is a bit less than I had planned.
26 running days, including three doubles.
4 days of no running, including three off days in the same week.
7:28, average pace for all runs.

October is off to a good start. I ran 20 miles today, and I ran the last five miles at marathon goal pace. I've thought about trying this type of run in the past, but never felt that I'd be able to hold the pace. Usually, at the end of a 20-miler, I'm just hanging on and looking forward to finishing. During yesterday's run I decided to push the pace for the last five miles of today's run. My last five miles were run at 6:36, 6:42, 6:43, 6:51*, and 6:37, so I actually averaged 6:41.8, which is comfortably below my 6:50 goal pace.

I feel pretty good about my fitness now. Sadly I still haven't heard anything about running for the Navy Marathon Team, so I'm going to keep training for both a half marathon and a full marathon. As long as I do some speed work at half marathon pace or faster, I don't think the marathon pace runs will hurt me, and the long runs will only help. The good news is that the Coast Guard Sports guy told me he would call the Navy Sports guy if I didn't hear anything by the end of last week. I was off on Friday, so if there isn't any news waiting for me, I should hear within a day or two.


Blogger MB said...

As a previous runner on the All-Navy Marathon Team I can tell you Navy Sports waits until the last minute to make their selection\contact. Absolutely frustrating for marathoners. I wish you luck and keep up the good training.

4:09 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

Mark, thanks for the comment. It's frustrating having to wait for a decision. I had assumed that no news is bad news, so it's good to hear that I still may get selected.

The Coast Guard sports rep said he'd call the Navy rep tomorrow (Thursday), so hopefully, I'll find out then.

10:31 PM  

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