Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Following the Plan

I've been almost perfect with following the Pfitzinger-Douglas 18 week/70 mile plan. The only change from the printed plan has been when I ran 5.5 miles instead of 5 miles on a couple of recovery runs. I've also gone a few tenths of a mile over on some runs, but that's only so that I can get home from where I am when I reach the prescribed mileage for the day.

I know the plan will continue to get tougher as the mileage increases and the speed work lengthens; but part of the plan is trusting that the effort I'm putting in now will allow me to complete the tougher runs down the road. No matter how well I do in future runs, the dedication and mileage I've been logging assures me that I'll enter this marathon better prepared than I have been for any previous race. I can't wait to test my fitness on race day.


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