Sunday, September 11, 2005

Medium Long Run - No Pain

Today I ran an easy, medium-long run (11 miles). I'm happy to say that there was no real pain in my lower abdomen/groin area. In fact, I'm pretty happy with my pace and the way I felt for most of the run.

I shouldn't say there was no pain. I ran out of gas at about the 9.5 mile mark. The last mile and a half were pretty tough. At one point, I stopped for a redlight and got light headed. I ended up walking for about 200 yards until I felt a little better. I was able to run the rest of the way home (only about a quarter mile) without too much trouble. Later in the day, we went to the Autumn Moon Festival in San Francisco's Chinatown, and I was able to walk without any pain, even up and down the hills.

Tomorrow I'm going run a double - five miles at lunch and ten miles after work.