Saturday, September 10, 2005

First Run Back

Today I ran an easy five mile run to see how (or if) my lower abdomen strain improved during my eight days off from running. I ran five easy miles with no problems. When I started out there was some tightness, and I was worried that after a few steps I'd be right back where I was, but it never got any worse than an occasional feeling of tightness. I was careful to keep my running at an easy pace. In fact, I purposely left my GPS at home so that I wouldn't be tempted to chase any specific pace. Tomorrow, I'm planning on running longer (at least ten miles).

If the longer run goes well, my plan is to run as many miles as I can during September, October, and November. In December, I'll start marathon specific training for the Pacific Shoreline Marathon, which is held the first weekend in February (on Super Bowl Sunday I believe).