Monday, August 29, 2005

Double Runs Today - Wiped Out

Today I ran double runs (5 miles at lunch at 15 miles in the evening). The five mile run is what was scheduled for today. I added the 15 mile run to make up for the 15 mile run I wasn't able to complete yesterday. This puts me six miles ahead of my schedule for the week (from yesterday's aborted 15 miler). I'm not worried about the extra miles having an adverse affect because the pace is easy for each run, and I've been pretty good about taking days off when necessary.

The evening run pretty much wiped me out. Miles 13 and 14 were run at a much slower pace than the other miles (except for the first warmup mile). I did pick up the pace for the last mile and finished relatively strong. I'm scheduled to run five miles tomorrow. I may reschedule my off day and take it tomorrow. If I do run, it will definitely be at a slow/recovery pace. I want to be fresh for my ten mile run on Wednesday. Hopefully, I'll be able to run a few miles at goal marathon pace.